Is The Insulation Board The Thicker The Tetter?

2021/08/19 16:14

Insulation boards are generally used for exterior walls and roofs. They are common building energy-saving materials. Their main function is to save energy, keep warm, and insulate them. At the same time, they can also protect the structure of the house to a certain extent. Common insulation boards mainly include polystyrene foam board, rigid polyurethane insulation board, rock wool board, cement foam board and the emerging integrated board of insulation and decoration. At present, the most commonly used polystyrene foam board is divided into two categories according to different processes, molded EPS board and extruded XPS board. Rock wool board is generally used for construction due to its good fire resistance. Fire barriers for objects.

In fact, the influencing factors of thermal insulation effect are a very complex and diversified issue. Simply put, the following aspects:

1. Material thermal conductivity. The most intuitive parameter for the thermal insulation and energy saving effect of thermal insulation materials is the thermal conductivity of the material. The smaller the thermal conductivity, the better thermal insulation performance. Take the two commonly used polystyrene boards as an example. , XPS board has dense surface layer and closed-cell structure inner layer, so its thermal conductivity is much lower than EPS board of the same thickness, so it has better thermal insulation performance than EPS. Therefore, the thickness of the outer wall of the same building can be smaller than that of other types of insulation materials. That is to say, under the same conditions, the insulation performance of the EPS insulation board of the same thickness is not as good as the XPS board.

2. The influence of the structure itself, buildings with different structures, even if the same materials are used, have very different thermal insulation effects. Compared with concrete exterior walls, the effect of the same material on the old brick masonry wall is definitely greatly reduced. For example, the windows on the exterior walls are also part of the energy-saving renovation. The new energy-saving windows commonly used nowadays must have a much better energy-saving effect than the old wooden windows. In the unrenovated buildings, the energy-saving and heat-preservation effect cannot be better.

3. Environmental impact, even if it is the same type of material, under different circumstances, the effect will definitely be different. The impact of the environment is mainly manifested in the influence of temperature and humidity. It should be known that changes in temperature and humidity have The performance of thermal insulation materials has a great impact. Generally, within a certain range, the higher the temperature, the thermal conductivity of the material will increase accordingly. The higher the humidity, the thermal conductivity will increase. Obviously, the thermal insulation effect is definitely To be affected. The temperature and humidity are different in different regions, and sometimes even in the same region, there will be slight differences.